Sunday, August 29, 2010

Special Delivery

So, yesterday I dropped off my art at VCAM/RETN to be hung for the Art Hop. I have to say that the entire process of becoming part of this annual mass art show had at first been something truly exciting to me, but in some ways I have retrospectively begun to feel like a member of a herd. The artists don't get to be involved in the hanging of the show, are shuffled in and out without any real input and may (I speak from personal experience) even be treated dismissively by folks whom they might try to ask a question or two. To top it off, the Sevendays Juried show which I had received what appeared to be an open invitation to costs an additional twenty bucks... to enter one piece! It has already cost me $55 to join SEABA, hundreds in supplies to make the paintings, probably close to a hundred hours and thirty years of painting, studying and learning. Why are we charging the artists to show their work people? If this is a artistic collaboration with South End businesses and the purpose is to show off both the city's artists and showcase the revitalized business spaces, thus driving traffic down Pine St. and into spaces often otherwise neglected then why are the artists footing the bill? Am I any more likely to make money as a result of taking part in this show? Unlikely. Are these businesses?

I love what they do and I love art so I will always do whatever I can to support it... Hell I even bought $5 ArtHop buttons for my entire family, but really? Twenty more dollars to show one more piece?

Anyway, enough about all that... this is how I would like to be spending my time...

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